For Investors

Current reports

Current report number 27/2018

The contents of a draft of a resolution as submitted by a shareholder, regarding a matter introduced to the agenda of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders

The Management Board of TOYA S.A. (hereinafter: the “Company”) informs that on 18 June, 2018 it received a request from a shareholder, holding 19.01% of the general number of shares, for entry of a draft of a resolution regarding a matter introduced to the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Toya S.A. as planned for 26 June, 2018r, submitted pursuant to art. 401 § 4 of the Commercial Companies Code.
In the attachment to the present report, the Company presents the draft of a resolution as submitted by the Shareholder.

Legal basis: Art. 56, section 1, item 2 of the Act on Public Offering, on Conditions for the Introduction of Financial Instruments to the Organised Trading System and on Public Companies – current and periodic reporting.

Radosław Czajkowski
pp. President of the Management Board


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