For Investors

Current reports

Current report number 20/2013

Signature of the significant agreement

The Management Board of TOYA S.A. hereby informs that on 22 May, as part of continuing trade cooperation, the Company concluded a significant Distribution Agreement with TOYA STANMAR
Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Tarnobrzeg (“Distributor”). The agreement shall enter into force
on 1 June 2013.

The agreement regulates the general framework and principles of trade cooperation between the parties, in particular the organisation of an efficient system for distribution and promotion of products on TOYA’s offer, terms and conditions of orders and deliveries as well as principles of extending a trade credit.

The agreement was concluded for an indefinite period, each party has the right to terminate the Agreement by giving three months’ notice in writing.

The agreement does not provide for the parties to contractual penalties in excess of 10% of contract value.

The terms and conditions of the Agreement do not differ from terms and conditions commonly applied in this type of agreements.

The criteria for designating this as a significant agreement is that the total estimated value of the sales and services transactions pursued on the basis of terms and conditions of trade cooperation agreed by the contract will exceed 10% of the amount of equity of Toya S.A.

Legal basis: §5 paragraph 1 point 3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and on conditions under which information required by legal regulations of a third country may be recognized as equivalent.


Dorota Chrzanowska

Based on power of attorney signed by President of the Management Board

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