PWr Diving Crew success

PWr Diving Crew success

The RoboSub international submarine competition in San Diego has just ended. After a very even and exciting final overtime, the PWr Diving Crew team from the "Robocik" Science Club was ranked just behind the top ten among the best 60 teams from around the world! YATO is a partner of the Club.

The students from Wrocław outperformed their last year’s debut in this most advanced competition of autonomous underwater robots in the world. They achieved two times higher result. In addition, from the ERL Emergency 2019 La Spezia competition held a few days earlier, the students from the "Robocik" Club brought the award for the best debut. In this innovative competition, robots perform tasks in a realistic emergency environment. On 14-19 July 2019, the award went to the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation, which is an executive body of NATO. The predecessor of the ROV 4.0 boat – a participant of the competition in San Diego – did a great job in Italy.

Congratulations on your success!

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