For Investors

Current reports

Current report number 22/2020

List of Shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of TOYA S.A. on 17 June 2020

The Management Board of TOYA S.A. provides, in the form of an appendix, the list of shareholders holding at least 5% of the general number of votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of 17 June 2020 along with specification of the number of votes entitled to each of them under the held shares and specification of their percentage share in the number of votes at this Extraordinary General Meeting and in the general number of votes.

Legal basis:
Art. 70 point 3 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading and Public Companies – current and temporary information (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1382 as amended).

Grzegorz Pinkosz
President of the Management Board

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