For Investors

Current reports

Current report number 30/2018

Information on theOordinary General Meeting Of Shareholders of TOYA S.A. abstaining, on 26 June, 2018, from considering item 29 and 30 of the agenda

The Management Board of TOYA S.A. in Wrocław (hereinafter: the “Company”) informs that on 26 June, 2018 the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of TOYA S.A. (hereinafter: the “OGMS”) abstained from considering:
a) item 29 of the agenda of the OGMS concerning adoption of a resolution in the matter of establishing the reserve capital to purchase own shares of TOYA S.A. and
b) item 30 of the agenda of the OGMS concerning adoption of a resolution in the matter of granting authorisation to the Management Board of TOYA S.A. to purchase the Company’s own shares for the purpose of their redemption,

due to the contents of resolution no. 18 in the matter of distribution of profit for the fiscal year 2017.

Legal basis:
Art. 56, section 1, item 2 of the Act of 29 July, 2005 on Public Offering, on Conditions for the Introduction of Financial Instruments to the Organised Trading System and on Public Companies (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2018, item 512 as amended).

Radosław Czajkowski
pp. President of the Management Board

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