For Investors

Current reports

Current report number 50/2016

Information about the delivery of the complaint for the annulment of the resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of TOYA S.A. of 23 June 2016

TOYA S.A. (The “Company”) received information about the delivery on 4 November 2016 by the District Court in Wrocław, Commercial Division X, to the Company proxy Tomasz Koprowski established by Resolution No. 5 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders TOYA S.A. of 21 September 2016 (about the adoption of the resolution, the Company informed in the current report No 44/2016 dated 21 September 2016) of the lawsuit (about which the Company informed in the current report No 32/2016 dated 21 July 2016) dated 18 July 2016 of shareholder Mr. Jan Szmidt against the Company for annulment or, in the case do not take into account the above request to set aside the resolutions:

1. Resolution No. 18 Of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of TOYA SA with its registered office in Wrocław dated 23 June 2016  on the use of funds from the supplementary capital.

2. Resolution No. 22 Of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of TOYA SA with its registered office in Wrocław dated 23 June 2016 concerning the distribution of profit for the financial year of 2015.

In addition, the District Court in Wrocław, Commercial Division X urged to submit a statement of defense within two weeks from the date of its notification and informed about a hearing scheduled for 17 January 2017.

Legal basis: Article 17, paragraph 1 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014. on market abuse (the Regulation on market abuse), and repealing Directive 2003/6 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directive 2003/124 / EC, 2003/125 / EC and 2004/72 / EC (Dz. U. EU. L. 2014. No. 173, p. 1, as amended in connection with § 38 paragraph 1 item 10 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing as equivalent information required by laws of a non-member state (I.e., Dz. U. of 2014. Pos. 133, as amended).

Radosław Czajkowski
Based on power of attorney

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