For Investors

Current reports

Current report number 29/2012

An annex to the significant agreement

The Management Board of Toya S.A. („Company”) hereby announces that on 5 December 2012 the Company has signed with Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A. in Warsaw an annex to Debt limit facility agreement No. CRD/L/11381/02 of 2 October 2002 in the amount of PLN 30 000 000, according to which the provisions of the agreement have e changed. The detailed description of the Debt limit facility agreement have been included in the TOYA Prospectus.

As compared to the previous wording of the agreement, the credit margin has been decreased.

Other terms and conditions are similar to those commonly used for this type of agreement.

The criteria for designating this as a significant agreement is that the value of the agreement exceeds 10% of the amount of equity of Toya S.A.

Legal basis: § 5 article 1 point 3 Decree of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information

Grzegorz Pinkosz
President of the Management Board

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