For Investors

Current reports

Current report number 27/2014K

Amendment to the current report no 27/2014 dated 27 June 2014 regarding adoption of a resolution on the granting of stock options to Entitled Persons under the third tranche of the Incentive Program for Board Members and other key employees

With reference to current report no 27/2014 dated 27 June 2014 Management Board  of TOYA S.A. rectifies an obvious mistake contained in the second sentence of the report, involving the incorrect amount of Eligible Persons which the Supervisory Board granted options in the Incentive Program.



The Supervisory Board has granted to 20 Entitled Persons stock options entitling to subscribe for a total of 280 734 the Subscription Warrants of series A, with the right to acquire shares series D issued pursuant to Resolution No. 3 of the General Meeting of Shareholders on 8 February 2011 on the issue of subscription warrants of series A with the exclusion of the pre-emptive right to acquire shares.


Should be:

The Supervisory Board has granted to 22 Entitled Persons stock options entitling to subscribe for a total of 280 734 the Subscription Warrants of series A, with the right to acquire shares series D issued pursuant to Resolution No. 3 of the General Meeting of Shareholders on 8 February 2011 on the issue of subscription warrants of series A with the exclusion of the pre-emptive right to acquire shares.


Legal basis: §6 section 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and on conditions for recognizing as equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member state (Journal. Laws of 2009., No. 33, item. 259 with later changes).



Dorota Chrzanowska

Based on Power of Attorney from President of the Management Board


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