TOYA S.A. publishes results for 2023

TOYA S.A. publishes results for 2023

TOYA Capital Group has announced its 2023 report. A difficult year in which TOYA S.A. achieved good financial results. Sales amounted to PLN 571 million and net profit to over PLN 52 million.

Last year we achieved success despite the difficult macroeconomic situation and the ongoing war conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The company, on the one hand, made good use of investments from previous years and, on the other hand, continued to support its subsidiaries in order to further develop their potential.

Our efforts focused on optimising operational processes, but also on developing the business in a sustainable way. As the parent company of the TOYA Group, we have prepared the Group's first non-financial sustainability report. We touched on social, environmental and organisational responsibility. 

The annual reports of TOYA S.A. and TOYA Capital Group for 2023 are available on the Interim Reports subpage, where you can find detailed information on the Group's financial performance and activities throughout the year.


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